Wines for Rich Colorful Autumn before a cold wind began to blow. Needless to say that autumn is the best season to enjoy wine and food. Great rich food is harvested abundantly, and so is wine...all grapes are harvested to become miracle beverages...wines for the following years. It is our pure history and tradition. It is a great gift from our divine or not, they are beautiful nature’s law without augments. Great food and wine are not separable, like body and soul. They are nature’s celebrations to our life and civilization. Region to region, culture to culture, tradition to tradition, you may find many great matching combinations food with wine anywhere. Of course places that are not suited to grow grapes are exception such as super hot or cold climate regions, but there yet everyone enjoys wine for hundreds of years being brought by adventurous merchants and traders. With today’s technological advances and global economy, wine growing regions have spread out the world to some unima